The Soviet Venera probes launched from Baikonur, belong to the quasi-heroic days of space conquest. Sixteen were launched, all towards Venus.
Venera 1 - 12 February 1961 - Failure.
Venera 2 - 12 November 1965 - Fly-past at 24,000 km.
Venera 3 - 16 November 1965 - First landing on Venus, communications failure.
Venera 4 - 12 June1967 - Landing - Transmission of data on the atmosphere during the descent.
Venera 5 - 5 January 1969 - landing - Transmission data on the atmosphere during the descent.
Venera 6- 10 January 1969 - Landing - Transmission of data on the atmosphere during the descent.
Venera 7 - 17 August 1970 - Landing - First transmission of data from the surface.
Venera 8 - 27 March 1972 - Landing - Transmission of data from the surface.
Venera 9 - 8 June 1975 - Orbital module + lander - First transmission of B&W images.
Venera 10 - 14 June 1975 - Orbital module + lander - Transmission of B&W images.
Venera 11 - 9 September 1978 - landing, but transmission failure.
Venera 12 - 14 September 1978 - landing, but transmission failure.
Venera 13 - 30 October 1981 - Landing, first transmission of colour images.
Venera 14 - 4 November 1981 - Landing, transmission of colour images.
Venera 15 - 2 June 1983 Orbit - radar mapping from orbit.
Venera 16 - 7 June 1983 Orbit - radar mapping from orbit.
The first images transmitted from Venus by Venera 9 and 10.