Keywords |
  • Universe


The PFS (Planetary Fourier Spectrometer) is a scientific instrument carried on board the Venus Express probe, designed to analyse the composition of Venus's atmosphere, and the surface temperature. It must also to look for volcanoes on the planet.

This spectrometer works at infrared wavelengths between 0.9 and 45 µm. The PFS model on board Venus Express is a development from the PFS that was already used on the Mars Express.

The latest news is that the mirror on the face of the PFS is jammed and will not pivot.

The scientific instruments aboard Venus Express: MAG, VIRTIS, PFS, SPICAM/SOIR, VMC, VeRa and ASPERA
(Credits: ESA) The scientific instruments aboard Venus Express: MAG, VIRTIS, PFS, SPICAM/SOIR, VMC, VeRa and ASPERA (Credits: ESA)


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