Keywords |
  • Sustainable development

Solar energy

Solar energy is the energy transmitted by the Sun in the form of light and heat. This energy is virtually inexhaustible on the human timescale, which means that it is classified as a renewable energy (even though the Sun will disappear one day...).

Solar energy can be directly used by Man for lighting (windows, skylights), heating and cooking (solar water heater, solar oven), or to produce electricity using photovoltaic panels.

Indirectly, solar energy is also the source of most renewable energies and fossil fuels. It is responsible for moving water masses (marine energies) and air masses (wind energy), the water cycle (hydraulic energy) and photosynthesis (biomass and hydrocarbons). Only three types of energy do not come from solar energy:

  • tidal energy;
  • geothermal energy;
  • nuclear energy.

The potential of this energy source is therefore immense.

The sun is an inexhaustible energy source present everywhere on Earth except in the polar region which is deprived of sunlight for up to 6 months every year. © onlinewoman CC by-nc-sa 2.0 The sun is an inexhaustible energy source present everywhere on Earth except in the polar region which is deprived of sunlight for up to 6 months every year. © onlinewoman CC by-nc-sa 2.0



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