Keywords |
  • Sustainable development

Max Havelaar

Max Havelaar is an international solidarity association that represents the international Fairtrade movement. Its objective: use trade to give farmers and employees in the Southern hemisphere tools they can use to fight against poverty.

Making a living from one's work

Coffee, tea, chocolate, rice, bananas...Many products that we consume every day are cultivated by farmers in developing countries. All too often, these producers cannot make a living from their work, as they are left alone to handle the pressure of global markets.

An international challenge

The international Fairtrade network has launched a challenge to change the world order: build a more equitable international trade system. In France, the non-profit Max Havelaar France association is responsible for developing this new form of consumption. To this end, it persuades economic actors to adopt better practices and raises public awareness.

Max Havellar logo.

Max Havellar logo.


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