Keywords |
  • Sustainable development,
  • Technology

Gas carrier

Gas carriers are ships that transport liquefied natural gas (composed of 60 to 95% methane) between gas fields and gas carrier port terminals. These ships represent a little less than 10% of the volume of natural gas transported. The rest is transported by gas pipelines.

Use of gas carriers

Gas carriers are, however, better adapted for the more remote sites. They may also play a new role in the future: the transport of carbon dioxide extracted from fuels storage in the substrate or in the sea.

The LNG Rivers (for liquefied natural gas), a gas carrier with a spherical design. © Pline, Wikimedia CC by-sa 3.0 The LNG Rivers (for liquefied natural gas), a gas carrier with a spherical design. © Pline, Wikimedia CC by-sa 3.0

Gas carrier - 1 Photo




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