Game management
Game management is a term that refers to the management of wildlife in the hunting context.
Purpose of game management
The purpose of this type of management is to optimise the production of game on a territory in order to ensure the sustainable exploitation of game without disrupting the farming-forestry-hunting balance.
Using different actions, this type of management supports the development of game populations, while avoiding overpopulation phenomena which could damage farming and forestry activities, or safety (road accidents, avian flu).
Game management actions
Game management is therefore based on:
- actions to create, maintain and restore natural habitats for game and wildlife to support the reproduction of species and prevent game from venturing out onto roads, into fields, or into cities;
- reasonable hunting of individuals depending on population numbers and individual characteristics (sex, age, state of health);
- feeding, implementation of game ranching and salt licks;
- introduction or reintroduction of individuals and species to repopulate an environment or consolidate a population ;
- creation of game and wildlife reserves to support the reproduction and tranquillity of wildlife.
The creation of hunting reserves, the maintenance and restoration of groves and hedgerows are part of game management. © PMinks CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Game management - 1 Photo