Keywords |
  • Physics


Buoyancy is the force on a body immersed totally or partially in a fluid (liquid or gas) in a gravity field. Also referred to as Archimedes' principle and often stated as follows: "the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces". "

Example of buoyancy

Schéma illustrant le principe d'Archimède
Diagram showing buoyancy.nbsp;© Wikipedia, public domain

Thus, if a cube is subjected to a force of gravity Fp and immersed in water, it will be subject to buoyancy FA in in a direction opposite to this force of gravity. For the same volume but different densities of the cube, the force Fp will not be the same, but the force FA will not change. The cube will float if FA>Fp and sink if FAp.

Applications of buoyancy

Buoyancy thus explains why ships float and why balloons can rise in the air. It also explains how divers can control their buoyancy by inflating or deflating a buoyancy compensator.

The mathematician, engineer, physicist and astronomer Archimedes. © Public domain The mathematician, engineer, physicist and astronomer Archimedes. © Public domain

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