Keywords |
  • Medical Science


Topiramate is one of the latest generation antiepileptic agents. This medicine is particularly used to manage generalised tonic-clonicseizures. These involve sudden stiffening with muscle contractions and spasms.

How does topiramate act?

Topiramate acts both on the receptors for GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), a neurotransmitter, the activity of which it increases. It also acts on the sodium channels involved in propagation of the nerve impulse.

Do they have contraindications or precautions?

Topiramate can cause mood disorders and confusion. It has also been associated with weight loss or even anorexiain some patients.


  • Merck Manual, 4th edition
  • Institute of pharmaceutical and biological sciences – Lyon faculty of pharmacy.

Topiramate is a latest generation medicine for epilepsy. © Phovoir Topiramate is a latest generation medicine for epilepsy. © Phovoir

Topiramate - 1 Photo


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