Keywords |
  • Medical Science,
  • Geography,
  • Geography


The term rib refers to the anatomical parts described below.

There are twelve pairs of ribs making up the rib cage.

Location of the ribs

The ribs form a set of bones that make up the rib cage. They are fixed on one side to the vertebrae. and on the other side they are fixed: :

  • the 7 pairs of ribs are fixed to the sternum;
  • ribs 8 to 10 are connected by cartilage to the other ribs and;
  • ribs 11 and 12 are floating.

Structure of the ribs

The ribs are flat, curved bones, each of which divides into several parts:

  • the head, which is fixed to the vertebrae;
  • the neck;
  • the costal tuberosity;
  • the costal angle;
  • the body;
  • and the terminal part fixed to the sternum.

Function of the ribs

The function of the ribs is to keep the heart, lungs, and vital organs under cover in the rib cage.

Together with the sternum, the ribs form the chest wall. © DR Together with the sternum, the ribs form the chest wall. © DR

Rib - 1 Photo


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