Keywords |
  • Medical Science

Lumbar vertebra

The lumbar vertebrae are located at the bottom of the back.

Location of the lumbar vertebrae

The lumbar vertebrae are located at the bottom of the back between the last thoracic vertebra and the sacrum. They form the lumbar spine.

Structure of the thoracic vertebrae

There are five thoracic vertebrae (L1 to L5) which form an anterior curve known as the the lower back.

Function of the lumbar vertebrae

The lumbar vertebrae are the strongest vertebrae as they support the weight of all of the upper part of the body.

The lumbar vertebrae are the thickest vertebrae. © Uwe Gille, Wikimedia, public domain

The lumbar vertebrae are the thickest vertebrae. © Uwe Gille, Wikimedia, public domain



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