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  • Medical Science

Buruli ulcer

The Buruli ulcer is a tropical disease caused from infection by Mycobacterium ulcerans.

Cause of the Buruli ulcer

The Buruli ulcer is caused by infection from the bacterium Mycobacterium ulcerans, which belongs to the same family as the agents responsible for leprosy and tuberculosis.

Transmission of the Buruli ulcer

The exact method of transmission is unknown. However, the bacterium is believed mostly to infect regions of the body which have already been injured. In addition, the insect vectors can transmit the diseases to laboratory animals and may be the mechanism of transmission.

Symptoms of the Buruli ulcer

Infection with the bacterium causes damage to the skin and soft tissues with the formation of large ulcers. These are usually found on the limbs (legs or arms). If the disease is not treated promptly it can cause long lasting handicap, both medical (particularly in joints) and aesthetic.

Treatment of the Buruli ulcer

Treatment involves long term antibiotics. Surgery is also used to remove necrotic tissues and avoid physical incapacity.

Mycobacterium ulcerans is the agent responsible for the Buruli ulcer. © Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, public domain Mycobacterium ulcerans is the agent responsible for the Buruli ulcer. © Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, public domain

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