Keywords |
  • Medical Science


Anti-anaemics are medicines which treat all forms of anaemia. Anaemia is a blood disorder. It is due to a lack of erythrocytes (more commonly called red blood cells). This lack may be caused by deficiency of iron or vitamin B12, for example. All forms of anaemia lead to problems because oxygen is no longer transported normally in the blood.

How do anti-anaemics work?

Anti-anaemics improve the quality of blood by promoting reconstitution of red blood cells. To do this, they restore normal amounts of haemoglobin, iron, or vitamin B12 in the blood depending on the patient's specific needs. Anti-anaemics can be administered orally or parenterally i.e. as intravenous or intra-muscular injections.

Do they have any contraindications or precautions?

These medicines are contraindicated in people who are allergic to iron or to any of the ingredients in the medicine concerned. Furthermore, they are not recommended in acute renal infection. A past history of asthma can also be a contraindication to intravenous injections.


  • Rouen University Hospital, 8 June 2011 ;
  • Merck Manual, 4th edition.

Anti-anaemics treat an imbalance in the quality of blood.  © Phovoir Anti-anaemics treat an imbalance in the quality of blood. © Phovoir

Anti-anaemic - 1 Photo


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