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CET Time

Central European Time (CET). Other acronyms used include HEC for Heure d'Europe centrale and HNEC for heure normale d'Europe centrale.

Time zone one hour ahead of Universal Time (UT), coordinated universal time, or GMT, Greenwich Mean Time), i.e. represented by "UT + 1".

It corresponds roughly to the longitude of Western Europe. Most countries that use it have adopted summer time, at UT + 2, between the end of March and the beginning of October, referred to as CEST, Central European Summer Time.

Legal times in Europe. In red, countries that have adopted CET in winter. In blue, countries using UT. In yellow, countries using UT + 2, or EET Eastern Europe Time. In apple green, western Russia with "Moscow time" or MSK (UT + 3). © maix¿?/Licence Creative Commons Legal times in Europe. In red, countries that have adopted CET in winter. In blue, countries using UT. In yellow, countries using UT + 2, or EET Eastern Europe Time. In apple green, western Russia with "Moscow time" or MSK (UT + 3). © maix¿?/Licence Creative Commons

CET Time - 1 Photo



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