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  • Botany

Buddleja davidii

Buddleja davidii is a shrub, from 3 to 5 metres high, that often grows on waste ground. It is a species that can produce beautiful flowers, light and mauve or dark violet in colour during the summer.


Buddleia davidii
Buddleia davidii. Forest & Kim Starr, licence Creative Commons Paternity 3.0 Unported

This plant (Buddleia davidii) is a member of the Loganiaceae family. It is nicknamed the "butterfly bush" due to its particular ability to attract a large number of lepidoptera, or also the "summer lilac".

Botanical description

This shrub is very resistant and grows quickly, with a tendency to spread out over a wide range. Its deciduous leaves, from 10 to 25 centimetres long, are opposed, finely dentated and spearheaded. Its flowers are small and look like lilac flowers. Short pods appear after the flowers are pollinated. These pods hold the seeds and stay in place throughout almost the entire winter.

Buddleia davidii
Buddleia davidii. © Richardelainechambers, licence Creative Commons Attribution share alike 3.0 Unported


This shrub comes from the central and western regions of China. It is named in honour of a talented English botanist and vicar, Adam Buddle. The term davidii refers to Father David, a renowned French missionary of the 19th century.

Growing conditions

This plant grows in all types of soil, even mediocre and calcareous, and prefers sunlight.


The buddleia is essentially a decorative shrub. If you plant this shrub, do not forget that some of its varieties, such as Buddleia davidii, are hardy and easy to grow, while other varieties are not, such as Buddleia colvilei! Remember to take the geographic location of your garden into account. If you choose a fragile variety, place it along south or west wall and protect it against the cold in winter. Do not fertilise this species, to avoid developing its foliage to the detriment of its flowers.

Author: Michel Caron

Buddleia davidii, flowers. © Pancrat, Creative Commons Attribution Share alike terms 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic. Buddleia davidii, flowers. © Pancrat, Creative Commons Attribution Share alike terms 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic.

Buddleja davidii - 3 Photos


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