Keywords |
  • Biology


Function of the peritoneum

The peritoneum is a think serous membrane that lines the deep surface of the abdomino-pelvic cavity and the organs contained in it. The organs located inside of the peritoneum are called "intraperitoneal" and the others are called " retroperitoneal" (often lying behind the peritoneum). Some organs are partly inside and partly outside of the peritoneum (pancreas).

Structure of the peritoneum

The peritoneum is formed from two superimposed layers known as sheets and is composed of a single layer of&nbsp:epithelial : cells

  • the visceral peritoneum (which directly surrounds the organs) ;
  • the parietal peritoneum (located on the wall of the abdominal cavity).

The two peritoneal sheets can move independently of each other.

The peritoneum was a membrane which surrounds many organs. 1: diaphragm - 2 : liver - 3 : stomach - 4 : bladder- 5 : pubic bone - 6 : vagina - 7 : pancreas - 8 : duodenum - 9 : transverse colon - 10 : small intestine - 11 : uterus - 12 : rectum. © Wikimedia Commons The peritoneum was a membrane which surrounds many organs. 1: diaphragm - 2 : liver - 3 : stomach - 4 : bladder- 5 : pubic bone - 6 : vagina - 7 : pancreas - 8 : duodenum - 9 : transverse colon - 10 : small intestine - 11 : uterus - 12 : rectum. © Wikimedia Commons

Peritoneum - 1 Photo


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