Keywords |
  • Biology


A hermaphrodite organism has both male and female reproductive organs.

The different types of hermaphroditism

Hermaphroditism may be continuous but it may also be successive when one individual changes from one sex to the other. We refer to a proterogynous or proterandrous species depending on whether or not individuals are initially female or male.

Accidental hermaphroditism

Hermaphroditism can also be a congenital disease caused by a genetic accident or developmental disorder. In this case a person generally has ambiguous genitalia and fertility problems.

Botanical hermaphroditism

In botanical terms hermaphroditism only refers to plants whose male and female organs are located on the same flower and not in separate flowers on the same plant.

Hermaphroditism is a solution to the problem of the gametes of sessile, burrowing, or parasitic organisms coming together. In hermaphrodites, each organism encountered is therefore a sexual partner.

All land snails are hermaphrodites.  © Oznya CC by 2.0 All land snails are hermaphrodites. © Oznya CC by 2.0

Hermaphroditism - 1 Photo


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