Keywords |
  • Biology


Glucose is a monosaccharide sugar (ose) belonging to the aldohexose family.

Structure of glucose

Chemical formula C6H12O6, glucose is cyclical (a pyranose). It has isomers, i.e. molecules which are the same chemical equation (this applies to fructose and mannose). They can only be differentiated by their chemical structure.

In the body, it is D-glucose that is metabolised or produced.

Glucose derivatives

Glucose is a simple sugar, called a monosaccharide, naturally present in the body but is also a component of disaccharides and polysaccharides (for example, when it is bound to other sugars to form sucrose, or several glucoses bound together as in cellulose).

It is generally bound to other biological molecules, such as lipids (to form glycolipids) or proteins (glycoproteins).

Glucose in the diet

Glucose has less sweetening activity than saccharose (table sugar).

Glucose is a monosaccharide, a simple sugar. ©  Public domain Glucose is a monosaccharide, a simple sugar. © Public domain

Glucose - 1 Photo



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